Meet Keb Hart, a musical storyteller who takes an approach to crafting songs that resonate with the reality and wisdom that reflects his age. In a world obsessed with the fleeting allure of "popular" music, Keb stands for experience and authenticity. 

With a career spanning over 60 years, Keb Hart offers a perspective that harks back to a musical era when just about everything was new and innovative  while infusing it with a modern twist. His lyrics are pages from the book of his life, where each song reflects the reality of paying the bills, navigating the complexities of love, and embarking on new adventures weighed down by old baggage. The bloom may be off the rose, and the honeymoon may be a distant memory, but Keb proves that age is no obstacle to creating music that resonates with the heart and soul. 

So, if you're looking for a musical journey that embraces the spirit of “old school” with a contemporary twist, Keb Hart is your guide. Get ready to be captivated by a storyteller who isn't ready to be side-lined.